作 品:A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
(出版社:Harper Perennial Modern Classics 2005-2)
作 者: 贝蒂·史密斯(Betty Smith)
节选片段:《布鲁克林有棵树》Chapter 3
"I know there is no Santa Claus."
"Yet you must teach the child that these things are so."
"Why? When I, myself, do not believe?"
"Because," explained Mary Rommely simply, "the child must have a valuable thing which is called imagination. The child must have a secret world in which live things that never were. It is necessary that she believe. She must start out by believing in things not of this world. Then when the world becomes too ugly for living in,, the child can reach back and live in her imagination. I, myself, even in this day and at my age, have great need of recalling the miraculous lives of the Saints and the great miracles that have come to pass on earth. Only by having these things in my mind can I live beyond what I have to live for."
"The child will grow up and find out things for herself. She will know that I lied. She will be disappointed."
"That is what is called learning the truth. It is a good thing to learn the truth one's self. To first believe with all your heart, and then not to believe, is good too. It fattens the emotions and makes them to stretch. When as a woman life and people disappoint her, she will have had practice in disappointment and it will not come so hard. In teaching your child, do not forget that suffering is good too. It makes a person rich in character."
"If that is so," commented Katie bitterly, "chen we Rommelys are rich."
"We are poor, yes. We suffer. Our way is very hard. But we are better people because we know of the things I have told you. I could not read but I told you of all of the things I learned from living. You must tell them to your child and add on to them such things as you will learn as you grow older."
作 者 简 介
贝蒂·史密斯(Betty Smith ,1896–1972) ,她出生于纽约布鲁克林,是一名小说家与编剧,代表作有《布鲁克林有棵树》、《明天会更好》(Tomorrow Will Be Better),《清晨欢愉》(Joy in the Morning)和《玛姬,就现在》(Maggie-Now)。
朗读指导老师:外语学院英语系 罗金老师