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本科生第二党支部经典朗读 | Raise Your Voice and Read the Classics(Pt.9)

时间:2024-06-19 23:40:51来源: 作者:点击:

 品:The Moon and Sixpence

(中国水电水利出版社 2022-04)




I confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary. Yet now few will be found to deny his greatness. I do not speak of that greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier; that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstance reduces it to very discreet proportions. The Prime Minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous rhetorician, and the General without an army is but the tame hero of a market town. The greatness of Charles Strickland was authentic. It may be that you do not like his art, but at all events you can hardly refuse it the tribute of your interest. He disturbs and arrests. The time has passed when he was an object of ridicule, and it is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend or of perversity to extol him. His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits. It is still possible to discuss his place in art.

威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham,1874年1月25日—1965年12月16日),英国小说家、剧作家。代表作有《人性的枷锁》《月亮与六便士》《刀锋》等。


朗读指导老师:外语学院英语系 罗金老师

寄语:It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it. Look up at the moonlight while chasing your dreams.





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